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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342 347


Dear Parents/Carers,

Would you like the flexibility of paying your childcare fees on-line?

 I am very pleased to announce that you are now able to pay for your childcare on-line using a debit card (credit cards are not accepted). The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and I’m sure many of you will appreciate the extra flexibility it provides.  ParentPay ensures that all transactions are handled securely, quickly, reliably and within bank and card scheme regulations and policy. 

 If you would like to use this service just click on the ParentPay tab above. You will be redirected to a secure site in order to make your payment. Once your transaction has been completed you will be provided with a receipt for printing.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Godfrey

School Business Manager